Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Same Old, Same Old

Nothing much new to report really. While I am excited that the the Rays and both Chicago baseball teams are in the playoffs the kitties couldn't care less, of course. You can't even get them to play with a ball, although Brownie does like to play catch the stick with me. I take a long stick (long enough so that I don't accidentally get tagged) and move it around and Brownie swipes at it and tries to knock it down.

Yesterday I got home from the store and as I was unloading groceries Brownie kept jumping in to the truck to check things out. He usually doesn't do that, but for some reason yesterday he climbed back in 3 or 4 times. He's a bit on the heavy side so I finally got tired of picking him up and just went and got some can food to give him something better to do, which I think was probably his ultimate goal anyway.

Hairy, well she is getting to where any time I open the front door she considers it a invitation to come in. It was cool when I awoke so I had opened the windows. Hairy saw me through the window and jumped up on a bench in the carport and tried to remove the screen and come in. She kept meowing and looking at me as if to say, "Hey I can't get this dumb screen off. A little help here!" Guess you had to see it to fully appreciate it. LOL

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