Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cats in the House

I was awakened all too early this morning as Hairy sprang off of the bed for some reason just to lay down by the door. I couldn't get back to sleep and decided to surf the web.

On my home security cameras I saw Blackie at the front door trying to pry it open to get in so I opened the door and let him in. Later Brownie did the same and I let him in as well.

So here I am with 3 cats laying in 3 different spots around the house, Hairy by the TV, Brownie on the couch, and Blackie guarding the refrigerator but later taking up a position behind my chair. It's a bit chilly but not really cold this morning but I'm told in a few days it will be in the low 30s so I'm in a quandary.

I don't feel comfortable with Blackie & Brownie in the house when I'm not keeping a watchful eye on them. OTOH I feel sorry for them being out in the cold but I'm not sitting up all night just so they can be inside when I could instead be warm under the covers of my own bed. Needles to say I think I will hear plenty of scratching at my front door in the nights ahead.

Meanwhile at least 1 local rescue shelter is running a half off special for adult kitties, partly due to so many people having to surrender their pets due to the hard economic times. I'd like to help them out but I'm afraid I am already doing my part as just keeping up with these three is about all I can handle.

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