Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's October

Not much to talk about. Brown is becoming more & more accustomed to indoor life just as I debate getting her more used to the outdoors again. I'm thinking of heading up to mom's before it gets bitterly cold.

I still worry about her safety but I guess Brownie is able to take care of herself. Still, when there were 3 kitties there was some safety in numbers. The irony is that when we lost the other 2 they were isolated from the others at the time of their demise.

One thing that irritates me to no end is my neighbors and their friends having a lack of concern for my yard. They and their kids continue to trample through and to ride bikes through the grass I am trying to grow. And of course the adults parking in my drive has gotten to the point that I've had to call the police just to get them to move so I could go to work. Last time they had a vehicle & boat completely blocking the length of my yard that is accessible to the car. The garden prevents my cutting through to the other side of the big tree in front.

This bad behavior does not make me feel better about leaving Brownie outside, especially since I have photographic proof of the kids throwing rocks at the cats & my vehicles as recent as this Spring. You would hope that kids would outgrow such behavior but some of the adults aren't too much better.