Monday, September 8, 2008

Hairy the House Cat Vol 2

Yesterday Hairy was wanting in again and I told her maybe later as I was busy and couldn't keep an eye on her. So later when I called her by name she came running - right past my waiting arms, in through the door, and straight to the couch for a good paw rubbing.

So after she settled down I put a show on the Tivo and waited for Hairy to come sit by me like she did before. Except she didn't. About 20 minutes later I heard this crashing sound. It seems Hairy had taken a fancy to making a spot in the top shelf of a bookcase (which is attached to the wall and looks more like a wooden mini bar) and a few small items were in her way. I think part of what made it so appealing is I had taped newspaper over the front because I had been painting and obviously covering it was much easier than moving it. But it had effectively created a nice "hiding spot," which is all Hairy had in mind. Or maybe the A/C made it a bit too chilly for her and it was a warm spot, as the daily outdoor temps are still in the mid 90s. So maybe the temperature difference was a bit much for her. That's something that had never occurred to me before because with all that hair you'd think she'd love to be in the cool for a while.

So I went back to the show. Ten minutes I heard a 2nd crash. This time she was on top of the bookshelf and some small insignificant items were crashing down. There were too many things to clear off including my stack of bills and outgoing mail so I couldn't let her stay there, but she didn't really want to go. As I went to pick her up she meowed as if to say, "What did I do? I like it up here!" But I opened her a can of food and when she ate her fill took her and the remnants outside. Blackie (whom had been hiding out between the trash can and the litter box) came running at full speed meowing the whole way. Brownie strolled up from his patrol duties and was actually more interested in a hug and some quality head & ear scratching until I showed him the portion I had set aside for him.

Afterwards Blackie was on top of the world! So much so that he hopped up on top of the car and stretched out like an old guy after Thanksgiving turkey dinner. He didn't move from there for hours. Well actually I guess he is an old guy at that. I wonder if he likes football too? But I'm pretty sure his sport of choice would instead be rats in a maze. And if he happened to be the peril consequence for choosing the wrong path then all the better. Just call him "Blackie the Minator" for competitive purposes. LOL

NOTE: You will have to copy & paste the link in to your browser's address bar because I can't seem to get it to work as a hyperlink. Sorry.

Hope you enjoyed the reference to ancient Greek mythology. LOL

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