The duck friends came by yesterday for a snack. After they cleaned out the food dishes I had to head down to the store for more food. And did the kitty friends ever appreciate it! Along with their Good Life dry food I picked up a can of 9 Lives flaked Tuna & Egg. The little honeys practically inhaled it. It was all gone before I even had a chance to refill the water dishes.
Hairy snuck in twice when I was coming out to check on them. The way she was looking around I think she must believe I have all kinds of can food just sitting on the floor waiting with the top already off or something. I made the mistake of once showing her where I keep it and she will often look up at the cabnet, then over at the plate on the floor where I leave a little dry food for her visits, then up at me as if to say, "So when's dinner?"
It's about noon local time and the crickets are chirping like crazy. That often means weather is coming so I am off to check on the friends. Later!
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