Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Slow Days of Summer

As most of the country prepares for it's first frosty days the kitty friends can hardly wait for the Fall cooling so that the temps will only be like 83 degrees instead of 93 degrees. Me too! I have much yard work to catch up on but it's just been way too hot. It seems like I can only work for about 15 - 30 minutes before I start feeling dizzy sometimes and have to call it a day.

Opossum update:

So I thought I was through with him. One night I heard what sounded like 3 gun shots and thought someone had tried to take matters into their own hands to be rid of Mr. Opossum but it seems that wasn't the case. So I again began bringing the hard food in at night and provided an extra feeding of can food knowing it would quickly be eaten and I would just left water out overnight. On a side note it seems I have to constantly dump out the water and clean the water bowls because mosquitoes have started to try to breed in them. It only takes 3 inches of water for mosquitoes to breed, after all, which is why city officials want you to take special note of standing water during bug breeding seasons.

Anyway, so the last time I saw Mr. Opossum was when I was returning home one evening just after sunset and there he was. But apparently the bright headlights from my truck was enough to scare him away. Ha! Had I known that would work I had a bright flashlight that I could have tried on him. I hear they also don't like loud noises but if you scare them they just drop down and pretend to be dead, which is where we get the figure of speech "Playing Opossum," or "Playing Possum." Actually in the Americas we have Opossums but many folks just like calling them possums anyway.

Blackie's on the move! Seriously. The more I feed him the stronger he seems to be getting. He is no longer skin and bones and even his meows are getting better. Even as late as last week sometimes he would try one of those low meows that means he meant business about getting fed but nothing would come out of his mouth. This morning the sound was there, though faint. But his regular "come and pet me and oh by the way feed me too" meow is doing just fine as always. Almost every time he sees me he walks over to me and after I pet him a little he goes straight to the food dish or to the door if I had brought the dish inside. He has such an appetite!

Also, it seems Blackie is going back on the prowl at night. I saw him the other night make a spot between some flowers and a landscape light waiting for an ill-fated mouse to dare show his whiskers around his territory while he was on the job.

I have been letting Hairy come in more often. Well not that I have much choice sometimes. She just loves sitting in my lap as we watch TV. The only bad part is trying to put her down to go to the kitchen or the bathroom. She gets so comfy she doesn't want to be moved. But as they say, "Duty calls!" LOL

Brownie has been his typical free spirit self, although lately he has been sleeping more often on the plastic box by the door. No doubt he doesn't want to miss out on a possible midnight hug or the sometimes bonus feedings.

So all is well here in kittyland this day. Hope all is well with you and yours also.

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