But not to worry! Here came Brownie running back full speed like a blur. All was well. I am guessing that because the grass was still we from the earlier rains he just didn't want to get wet on his way for a visit next door. I had a sigh of relief and went out and welcomed his safe return.
Then just moments ago came an unwelcome visitor. An opossum! Brownie was on a box by the door, Blackie was in the driveway, and Hairy was far away from the action sitting in the brown chair. And of course this possum did not have a fancy for the old, crappy, cheap kitty food. Oh no. Now that I might have tolerated as a one time thing but I wouldn't want it to become a habit. I have enough mouths to feed already, thank you very much. Instead he was going after the good stuff, which oddly enough is named Good Life recipe.
Not that I am much of a possum fan anyway, much less one in the wild, I opened the door in expectation of scaring him off, as had worked many times before. Except it didn't. It didn't work at all. Mr Opossum was not one bit deterred. I didn't know what to do. I don't like to mess around with strange wild creatures much. Who needs the rabies shots if you would get bit by one? Yuck. So I found an old mop and used that to push it away from the food dish while I stayed inside the house by the protection of the door which I had ready to close very quickly if need be.
So this finally persuaded the opossum to walk away towards next door and hopefully far away from here. But peace only lasted for a short while. Then he came back and we went at it again. And then later a third time, only now he simply refused to go. The only thing I could think of was to get a glass of water and toss the water at him and hope he would go away. Well it worked. But not without yet more prodding from the smelly old mop.
Now you might be wondering where the kitty friends were during all of this. Right where they were when it all started is where. They hadn't moved. After possum was gone and it was all clear Brownie the Enforcer hopped off of the box he was sitting on to inspect the area. He wasn't too pleased by all the water around the dishes and apparently he had gotten a little wet himself. So I moved the food and water dishes to a dry spot near the door. The kitties then meowed approval and took turns at the water and food dishes now that the hungry opossum was long gone and all was once again peaceful in kittyland. I then wished them a good night and sweet kitty dreams.

EPILOGUE: Looks like Mr Opossum just won't take no for an answer and later made a return visit after all. Oh well, what can you do?

Getting rid of Opossums As I will write about later just clapping your hands or shining a bright light on them may make them leave for a while, but they tend to return if you have a food source they fancy.
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